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Anna Maria Smyrnaki

  /  Contemporary art   /  Introducing the SAM NFT Project
sam nft cover

Introducing the SAM NFT Project

You are invited on a unique journey of discovery and ownership of meaningful contemporary art.

The Smyrnaki Anna Maria (SAM) NFT project is introducing the concept of a continuous “relay race” release of contemporary art from renowned artist Smyrnaki Anna Maria.

The SAM NFT Project sets itself apart from any other NFT project in existence as it uses a unique and distinct set of features and characteristics and follows certain predefined gamification rules which are not found in any other project. These features and rules govern the progressive release of NFT’s through their entire journey till the end and allow the audience to closely follow the progress of all the art work that is scheduled to be released as NFT’s.

This predefined and transparent approach also allows participants to prepare any claims for ownership in advance. Some fundamental features and rules are set in a rigid way whilst others are flexible and will adopt to the project and audience demands as time progresses and the entire project slowly unfolds.

Five levels to explore, 492 base level NFT’s to unlock with many more branched NFT’s and new Levels to be revealed over time and an intricate and fascinating storyline to be discovered along with the release of Smyrnaki Anna Maria’s elegant artworks.

These are the premises of this new ambitious NFT project, a mesmerizing show of meaningful art !


SAM NFT Project Page: sam-nft.art

SAM NFT Borchure: sam-nft.pdf

SAM NFT OpenSea: https://opensea.io/Smyrnaki-Anna-Maria