At sit eleifend efficiendi, utroque forensibus vel eu. Eros mandamus ad nam. Ad natum virtute pro, dicit scripserit nec cu et qui dicat.

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From these pages you will find a collection of the main works of art of contemporary artist Smyrnaki Anna Maria. Included are:

  • Paintings that blend imagination and reflections on the artist’s reality,
  • Installations from the artist’s art exhibitions in Europe
  • Ceramic works of art
  • 3D experiments that brought the artist’s paintings to the 3rd dimension
  • SAM NFT Project, a new and exciting NFT project that sets itself apart from any other NFT project in existence .

This is the entrance into the artistic world of Smyrnaki Anna Maria, a world full of stories, hidden meanings and philosophical inspirations where everyone is invited to experience it !

L5.3-The Blue bird


SAM NFT Project

Five levels to explore, 492 base level NFT’s to unlock with many more branched NFT’s and new levels to be revealed over time and an intricate and fascinating storyline to be discovered along with the release of Smyrnaki Anna Maria’s elegant artworks. These are the premises of this new ambitious NFT project, a mesmerizing show of meaningful art!

