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Other work

  /  Other work


My world, my thoughts

Site specific Installation – 2014,
800 – A4 size-rise papers written with Indian ink, diameter 180cm.

Exhibition “Baths of Paradise = equal”
Visual Installations in the space
of Bey Hamam

Fading away

INSPIRE / 2012.
150 hand made origami cranes,
150 ( 7x7cm) rise paper written with Indian ink,
dimension 400x300cm


The road to Danmark

Inspire 2015, MOMUS, 3Dpen

Untitled – 2015 in 3D

With the help of my brother owner of the biggest 3D Lab in Greece we generated a 3D model from the original painting and from that we generated in colour a 3D printed figurine.
We also print a 3D printing, a ring in silver as an inspiration and we also made some other experiments.