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You are invited on a unique journey of discovery and ownership of meaningful contemporary art.

The Smyrnaki Anna Maria (SAM) NFT project is introducing the concept of a continuous “relay race” release of contemporary art from renowned artist Smyrnaki Anna Maria.

The SAM NFT Project sets itself apart from any other NFT project in existence as it uses a unique and distinct set of features and characteristics and follows certain predefined gamification rules which are not found in any other project. These features and rules govern the progressive release of NFT’s through their entire journey till the end and allow the audience to closely follow the progress of all the art work that is scheduled to be released as NFT’s. This predefined and transparent approach also allows participants to prepare any claims for ownership in advance. Some fundamental features and rules are set in a rigid way whilst others are flexible and will adopt to the project and audience demands as time progresses and the entire project slowly unfolds.

The unique features, characteristics and rules which govern the SAM NFT project and the continuous progressive release of NFT’s are the following:


The work of SAM is separated in five distinct thematic groups. The different thematic groups are listed as five ascending levels (from 1 to 5) which are:


Each level contains several thematic related paintings created by the artist that have been digitally remastered and minted as NFT’s.

In a gamification effort, the order of the five ascending levels is orchestrated in such a way so that:
As the levels ascend, the complexity and level of detail of the artworks as well as their importance towards the overall storyline tends to increase.
– As the levels ascend, the stories which encapsulate the thoughts and feelings of the artist when the paintings were created tend to become more complex, more powerful and intriguing, and they become more and more significant to the overall storyline
– As the levels ascend, the stories tend to become less generic and more centric to the artist (i.e. from LEVEL 1 which is more generic and less centric to LEVEL 5 which is more centric and less generic there is a gradual shift from generic towards artist centric)
– As the levels ascend, the scarcity of the NFT’s and with it their potential value tends to increase.


At the core of the project is an elaborate storyline that is slowly revealed to the audience with each consecutive NFT release. From the very beginning all NFT’s that are scheduled for release will be publicly visible to the audience. However, each painting has a correlated story to tell, that reveals the secrets behind it, and that story
and that story will only be revealed when its corresponding NFT’s are released for auction.

The individual stories encapsulate the thoughts and feelings of the artist when the paintings were created and as time progresses and the levels ascend the stories tend to become more rich in content, more interesting, more elaborate, more clear and more significant to the overall storyline.

The stories are also aligned with their corresponding thematic groups. So the stories of Level 1 are expressed thoughts, the stories of Level 2 are conversations, the stories of Level 3 are related to personal experiences and friendships, the stories of Level 4 are about family and the stories of Level 5 are all about the artist herself.

The stories have both a generic meaning and a meaning which is centric to the artist. For example the stories in Level 4 are about the family of the artist (i.e. centric to the artist) but at the same time they are about the importance of family in a persons life and how that sculpts and shapes one’s personality (i.e. more generic). The ratio of centric over generic increases along with the levels (i.e. the art tends to become more personal and centric to the artist).

All the individual stories put together formulate an elaborate storyline interconnecting all the paintings together. This storyline slowly unfolds through time with the consecutive and progressive release of NFT’s, revealing at the end a meaningful and powerful autobiographical chronicle filled with strong feelings, emotional power and deeper meaning.


As the levels ascend, the scarcity of the nft’s will be increasing. All paintings from each level will initially be minted and auctioned with a predetermined amount of NFT copies in Batch 1 and they will also have a predetermined amount of NFT copies that will be further released in Batch 2, only in the event that all initially released copies from Batch 1 are sold. After that no further NFT’s will ever be minted.

The table below indicates how many paintings each level has and how many NFT copies per painting will be minted initially (Batch 1) as well as how many additional NFT copies per painting will be minted (Batch 2) in the event that all initially released NFT’s (from Batch 1) are sold out.

The two batches formulate the maximum permissible amount of NFT copies which ensures that only a finite amount of NFT’s will ever be released per painting. The chart below indicates how the scarcity of the NFT’s increases over time as the levels ascend.

Maximum NFT’s to ever be minted

All paintings in the highest Level (Level 5) will only ever be minted as a single unique NFT in order to achieve the highest level of scarcity for the NFT’s of the final and most significant Level 5 were everything is escalated and intensified.


Each level will be opened up in sequence one after the other. From Level 1 which is more introductory and basic all the way to Level 5 which offers a rare glimpse into the life, emotions, thoughts and feelings of the artist, the perceived importance of each level gradually increases as the levels ascend.

As each level opens up, the NFT’s available in that level will also become auctioned in a sequence (one after the other).The order which the NFT’s will be released is orchestrated in such a way so that the perceived importance of each artwork to the overall storyline gradually increases from one NFT release to the next. The following chart illustrates how the perceived importance from one level to the next as well as from one NFT release to the next gradually increases over time.

Perceived importance increment

Level 1 will be the only level that will release NFT’s in groups of 3. This means that during the first auction time interval, 3 paintings and their NFT copies from Level 1 will be offered at the same time. These three, (L1.1A, L1.1B and L1.1C), are considered to be of the same importance and once the auction for these three closes, the next three paintings and their NFT copies from Level 1 (L1.2A, L1.2B and L1.2C) will become available simultaneously in the next auction. From level 2 onwards, each painting and their NFT copies will have their own auction time interval.

The image below illustrates the entire sequence that will be followed throughout the duration of the SAM NFT Project, spiraling inwards from the first items of Level 1 (L1.1A, L1.1B and L1.1C), all the way to last item of Level 5 (L5.12).

Income generated by the NFT project is meant to be used to support creation of a concluding series of paintings (a Level 6) that will only be revealed after the end of level 5. These final paintings will also be interconnected with the rest, promising an emotionally charged and exciting powerful finale to the overall autobiographical storyline that the SAM NFT Project focuses on.


As the auctions progress and the SAM NFT Project spirals inwards to higher levels, marching towards the core and an unknown finale in Level 6, income generated by the NFT project will also be used in order to further develop rich content by introducing branching to a selection of NFT’s. Branching will offer exciting new and enhanced content in the form of NFT’s, related to the underlined painting and NFT that the branch is rooted.

The different types of content that will gradually become available through branching are:
Variants: These will be different variations of the underlined painting that will be minted and offered as branched NFT’s.
Video Animations: These will be short video animations of the underlined painting offered as branched NFT’s (usually less than a minute), meant to bring the still paintings to life and to show in real time what actually transpires within the painting in that very exact still moment that the painting documented.
3D Models: These will be 3D renderings/animations and/or actual 3D models offered as branched NFT’s related to the underlined painting and the different characters and elements that are portrayed in it.
Hidden Items: These will be brand new artwork items that currently are not available as part of the SAM NFT Project, which will be minted and offered as branched NFT’s. The hidden items may be individual items or a whole series of them related either to the underlined painting or even to the entire Level that the branch is rooted.

Below image illustrates two examples of branching of an NFT, one branching towards three variant NFTs and one branching towards three 3D model NFTs:

Examples of Branching


Great consideration is given in designing the SAM NFT project from the start in such a way so that as the levels ascend the value of the NFT’s that are being offered gradually increases, offering maximum value to potential owners especially to early adopters.
The sale price of each NFT (or average sale price in case there are more than one NFT copies sold per artwork) will be carried forward as the start price of the next NFT that gets released. The image below illustrates how the continuous “relay race” release of NFT’s with a continuously ascending value will work both in the event of a single copy NFT (Level 5) as well as with multiple copy NFT’s (all other levels).

Single copy NFT

Multiple copy NFT

As we move towards the more complex and feature rich last two Levels (Level 4 and Level 5), the start price of the first item only of each of these two Levels will be double the sale price of the last item of the previous Level (this X2 multiplier applies only to the first item of the last two levels i.e. NFT L4.1 and L5.1)
This coupling of the final sale price of an NFT to the starting price of the next creates a powerful compounding effect and has the potential to offer an exponential increase in value as the levels ascend and time progresses, which as a consequence is anticipated to result in an increase of the resale value of all preceding NFT’s, offering tremendous value opportunities for potential owners and especially to early adopters.
The chart below illustrates the powerful compounding effect that even modest, conservative increments of 5%, 10% or 15% from one NFT to the next would yield to the value of the NFT’s, especially during the final 2 Levels of the project where the X2 multiplier amplifies the compounding effect further.

Value increment


The auctions throughout the SAM NFT Project will follow a predefined set of rules which are described below:

  • Start Price 1st NFT’s: The first series of NFT’s to ever be auctioned (L1.1A, L1.1B and L1.1C from Level 1) will begin with a starting price of 1ETH.
  • Start Price all other NFT’s: The average sale price of all NFT’s successfully sold from the first round will be used as the starting price of the next round of NFT’s to become available for auction from Level 1 (i.e. L1.2A, L1.2B and L1.2C will all use the average sale price of the previous round as their starting price).
    This rule will continue until the last NFT’s from the Level 1 are sold. At this point the next Level, (Level 2) will open up and the start price for the first NFT from Level 2 will be the same as the average sale price from the last round of NFT’s sold from Level 1.
    If multiple copy NFT’s are sold per round their average sale price will be carried forward to the next round while if there is only a single NFT sold in a round the sale price of that NFT will be carried forward to the next round.
  • Failed Auction: When an auction ends and the NFT (in case of single NFT) or the entire series of NFT’s (in case of multiple NFT copies) that was up for sale fails to successfully complete then the auction item(s) can be:

– Relisted: The auction can be restarted and the NFT relisted again but this time using the start price of the previous item as its start price (instead of the final sale price of the previous item). The image below illustrates how relisting works.

– Skipped:
The item can be skipped altogether and the auction moves to the next item on the list which will use the same start price as the skipped item (i.e. the final sale price of last item successfully sold). Relisted items can be skipped in case they fail to be sold and there may also be items that are skipped on purpose without any auction at all. Skipped items will become orphans which could be further auctioned at a later date. The image below illustrates how skipping works.

Relisted due to failed auction

Skipped after no sale

Skipped on purpose

  • Maximum price cap: Optionally for the first two levels only, a maximum price cap can be used, either by choosing to sell some (or all) of the NTF’s at a fixed price or selling them with a declining price (Dutch auction) starting from the maximum price cap.
    The maximum price cap per NFT is calculated using a multiplier that will be applied to the start price. The chart below illustrates what is the maximum price cap multiplier per NFT (X times the start price) for the first two levels that this is available as an option.

    To illustrate for example, L1.1A, L1.1B and L1.1C which are the first items to be sold with a start price of 1ETH have a multiplier of X10. So these items can be auctioned to the highest bidder with a starting price of 1ETH or they can be auctioned with a declining price (Dutch auction) with a starting price of 10ETH (i.e. 1ETH multiplied by the multiplier of X10) and an ending price of 1ETH. For the next three, L1.2A, L1.2B and L1.2C, the multiplier is X8, so the maximum price cap that these NFT’s can optionally be offered at is 8 times the start price which in this case would be X8 the average sale price of all items from the previous NFT round.

Max value multiplier

This optional multiplier will decline over time and will eventually be phased out altogether from Level 3 onwards (i.e. no maximum price cap will be used for any NFTs from Level 3 till the end, branching excluded).

  • Orphans: When an NFT at the end is skipped because of a failed auction or is skipped on purpose without an auction, it then becomes an orphan. Orphans are collected in a pool of orphans and from there they may be released again at a later date on a random basis as time progresses as open auctions (i.e. their start price will be decoupled from previous auction items).


With the rising popularity of NFT’s, unfortunately there are plenty of scammers, fraudsters, and counterfeiters alike. While no hacker can rip off an NFT by making a copy and claiming it as their own (due to the nature of NFTs), there are still plenty of avenues for theft and scam, which can be off-putting for newcomers interested to participate.

For example NFT technology proves chain of ownership on the blockchain but does not prove original creation so enforcing copyright is difficult.  NFT collectors currently have almost no way to verify the authenticity of the asset without the complex process of auditing the blockchain.

The SAM NFT project utilises the following attributes in order to ensure a fully secure and transparent experience is offered to potential owners and newcomers, in order protect and safeguard them from potential theft, fake copies, scam and fraud:

– SAM NFT single marketplace account. All the NFT’s of SAM will be available only from OpenSea from the following account: https://opensea.io/Smyrnaki-Anna-Maria. Future dedicated NFT marketplace accounts that will be created (if any) will be announced accordingly. Any NFT claiming to be part of the SAM NFT project that is not listed in any of the artists dedicated NFT marketplace accounts will be fraudulent.

– SAM website.
All the artworks of SAM are included in the artist’s own dedicated website. This means that any artwork of SAM that will ever be minted and offered as an NFT, is also publicly accessible and visible from www.smyrnaki.art. Any NFT claiming to be part of the SAM NFT project that is not listed in the artists dedicated website will be fraudulent.


– SAM control panel. A control panel page in the artist’s own website will be dedicated to present an overview of the entire SAM NFT project and how it progresses, listing all items that are being released and sold. Any NFT claiming to be part of the SAM NFT project that is not listed in the control panel page will be fraudulent.


– SAM certificate of authenticity. All the artworks of SAM are accompanied by a verisart.com certificate of authenticity. The certificate offers true identity verification and reassures potential owners that the NFT they are interested in is trustworthy and indeed a genuine one. Any NFT that is not accompanied by a verisart certificate of authenticity from SAM, will be fraudulent.


– SAM social media. The artist’s social media channels (Twitter, Instagram and Facebook) can also be used as extra sources for cross referencing the authenticity of the artist work.

Combining all the above offers a high level of protection for potential owners and newcomers diminishing the possibility that they could be fraudulently tricked with fake copies and ensuring that only genuine NFT’s are sold.

Verisart’s certificate


Art is the expression or application of human creative skill, imaginative talent and technical proficiency, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty and emotional power.

This very definition of art is constantly empowered by technology. Nowadays, technological advances have reached such a high level that anyone is able to express their own creative thinking even without having special materials or knowledge regarding the world of art.

This is extremely positive because it allows an unprecedented freedom that has never existed before: people who would never have had such possibilities can now show what they feel and share it with the world through the creation of works of art in new ways and visual forms beyond the traditional, giving life to a virtuous cycle of which only art is capable.

On the other hand, this results in an environment where an unprecedented abundance of (sometimes questionable) art is available that everyday grows more and more and as a consequence, identifying a genuine work of art that can be truly appreciated primarily for their beauty and emotional power has become an extremely strenuous and difficult task.

Contemporary art has certainly challenged us countless of times to ask ourselves what can or what cannot be considered art, making us look at a work and think: is it just a simple provocation or is it born from a deep and conscious thought?

In an NFT universe saturated with artworks created by powerful and sophisticated computer tools and lacking a true message, this NFT project is designed to offer unique discovery and ownership opportunities of beautiful contemporary art hand crafted by a professionally trained, skilled, passionate and talented artist with deeper meaning and emotional power that follows a one-of-a-kind autobiographical storyline.

The NFT themselves are digitally remastered versions of the hand crafted artwork, giving careful thought and consideration towards image clarity, aspect ratio and high (and in some cases ultra high) resolution futureproofing the NFT’s and ensuring that they can also serve the traditional purpose of showcasing beautiful artistic excellence through a (digital) frame that can be hung on a wall or an exhibition.

The gamification of the entire project, with ascending levels of complexity, scarcity and the progressive release of a finite number of NFT’s following a predefined set of rules, offers enormous value opportunities for ownership and is designed in such a way in order to enable the artist to enrich the project with new art and rich content throughout its duration.

The SAM NFT project aspires to present a unique and elaborate approach, different from any other NFT project ever made and to serve as a beacon of good taste, good practice and sensible use of NFT’s by introducing the work of Smyrnaki Anna Maria into the digital world. It offers access to an artistic world of poetry, hidden meanings and stories to explore which is the outcome of an intense creative process, studied (and experienced) in every detail.

Through the five thematic groups of the painting collections, the viewer can start a philosophical journey into the artist’s story as well as into their own. Some stories for example are about the artist’s family and friends, but at the same time everyone can see their own life experience through them. As levels ascend, the topics become less generic and more centric to Smyrnaki Anna Maria, offering a rare glimpse into her life, her thoughts and feelings and unobstructed access to the extraordinary world of poetry hidden in her mind.

Are you ready to explore it?

The NFT’s are digital versions of the hand crafted paintings, carefully remastered in order to ensure that the digital versions can also serve the traditional purpose of showcasing beautiful artistic excellence through a (digital) frame that can be hung on a wall or an exhibition.


Below is an overview of the progressive release schedule of the base NFT’s from the 5 different Levels. Batch #02 copies will only be released once the copies from Batch #01 are all sold out.


Five levels to explore, 492 base level NFT’s to unlock with many more branched NFT’s to be revealed over time and an intricate and fascinating storyline to be discovered along with the release of Smyrnaki Anna Maria’s elegant artworks.
These are the premises of this new ambitious NFT project, a mesmerizing show of meaningful art !